Right Click and Publish App-V Package along with Dynamic Configuration File - Context Menu Shortcut
In my previous blog I had posted about a simple registry tweak to publish packages globally/User by just right clicking and selecting the option. But in that method, it will not use the dynamic configuration file. And so I have covered how to do that in this blog. copy the below code in notepad and save it in .reg format. After saving, double click on it and register the keys. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [ HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \.appv] @ = "appvex" [ HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \appvex] [ HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \appvex\shell] [ HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \appvex\shell\Publish Globally] @ = "&Publish Globally" [ HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \appvex\shell\Publish Globally\command] @ = "cmd /c start /b /wait powershell.exe -nologo -ExecutionPolicy bypass -file \"c:\\Publish globally.ps1\" \"%1\"" [ HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \appvex\shell\Publish to User] @ = "Publish to &User" [ HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \appvex\shell\Publish to User\command] @ = "cmd /c start /...