How to edit the Shortcut name in App-V 5.0

Ques: I have sequenced an application and have succesfully tested it. Now I need to change the shortcut name as there is already another package with the same shortcut name in the same start menu location that exists on the client machine.When I opened the .appv file for editing using the App-V sequencer, I am not able to see the Shortcuts and FTA tab visible in the package editor. How can I edit the shortcut name now. Do I need to re-sequence again?

Ans: No need to re-sequence the application again.Open the .appv file using Microsoft Virtualization Sequencer 5.0 SP3 and select the Update Application in Existing Package option instead of Edit package.In the select Installer phase, select perform a custom installation option.Do not install anything, Just select I am finished Installing and proceed by clicking next-next.Select modify package using package editor. Now you will be prompted with Shortcut and FTA tab where you can edit the shortcut name.


Another easy way is to edit the shortcut tag in the  _DeploymentConfig.xml file .


<Shortcuts Enabled="true">
          <Extension Category="AppV.Shortcut">
              <File>[{Common Programs}]\Mozilla Firefox 41.0.lnk</File>
              <Target>[{ProgramFilesX86}]\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe</Target>

NOTE: While testing using powershell, the deployment config file needs to be added using the -DynamicDeploymentConfiguration parameter.If not added then the change made to the shortcut name will not reflect.

Add-AppvClientPackage "path to .appv" -DynamicDeploymentConfiguration "path to deploymentcofig.xml" | Publish -AppvClientPackage -global


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